最近 忽然 很想再去巴里島 feeling like going back to Bali again ...
翻岀舊照片 .....懷念 金巴蘭沙灘 到傍晚空氣中瀰漫著 海鮮燒烤的香味 looking at the old photos .... Jimbaran beach
the smell of seafood grill filled in the air .........
聽著海浪聲 喝著白酒 坐在沙灘上 將雙腳埋進細沙中
listening to the waves , sipping on white wine ... sitting on the beach having my feet buried in the sand
隨意拍下照片 (那時好像才剛開始認真上攝影課 一點基礎都沒有 回來後的照片也不懂要修圖 要縮小 要銳化)
就是 單純 坐在沙灘上 發呆 看著沙灘上的人 有時會幻想他們的背景 生活狀況 .....
looking at people on the beach ... picturing who they are , what they do for living ...................
開心 美好的 巴里島 回憶
a great memory ...................
啊 好想 再去喔
I wanna go to BALI ...............................................................
- Sep 12 Wed 2007 00:44
~ Old memories , Good memories