first time ... I have seen people surf like this ..... quite interesting ............ 第一次 看到這樣玩的
看看 這些人 海上交通阻塞 ..........一堆衝浪板
look at those people .... it's quite dangerous .... actually
they are all waiting ................. waiting for the WAVES .... 大家都在等 等 浪來
不想等的 就自己玩自己的 people who are tired of waiting .... they are having their own fun ....
or play some ball ............ 或是 玩玩沙灘排球
再繼續等 ...............................
烏石港 第一次來 印象 很深刻 因為 好多衝浪的人喔 原來台灣玩衝浪的有這麼多人
first time here in Yi Lan , and I just realised that there are so many people who are really into surfing in Taiwan .....
very impressive
看看他們的 褲子 我絕得 他們 應該是 ............g ......
- Sep 05 Wed 2007 21:31
~ 烏石港 surfing spot