剛剛打電話 餐廳說 今年的訂位 週一到週五 只有 "中午"才可能有 其餘晚餐 及 假日 都要 到 明年一月底

不過 我家人 堅決要吃到 於是我們用外帶烤鴨 哈哈 烤鴨三吃
1000元 yeah .........


humm................. even though it took us 30 minutes to get home .... it was a bit less crispy ... still tasted good
雖然 回到家後是三十分鐘後的事 所以皮有點不太酥脆 但是 挖 還真是不錯吃 蔥油餅很好吃 .......................
I love Peking Duck and this restaurant is famous for its peking duck ...and other dishes ...
but it is said that we need to make a reservation 2 ~ 4 months in advance ...
I am going to make reservationS tonight for any weekend that is available in the next two months , and December 30th .... :)
will let everyone know ... yeah......... it's time to indulge our stomachs !!! Forget about going on a diet !
蔥油餅 Green onion pancakes