I collect Barbies , but I couldn't find any Barbie I like while I was there ..so I bought " LINCOLN" to keep my Barbies company ....
He talks too...
Tanya收集芭比娃娃 ...... 既然這次沒看到喜歡的Barbie 所以我就買了林肯來陪我的Barbie們作伴
This is my favorite ... I bought it at Disney , of course ... they are actually SALT and PEPPER SHAKERS ... really really cute .....
我最愛的紀念品 在Disney買的 當然囉 她們其實是鹽與胡椒罐 真的很可愛喔
Today a student who I hadn't seen for a month came to my house .... I was surprised to see how much he has changed in just a month...... Gee... all the sudden, I felt that I was getting old old older ...................
- Aug 12 Sat 2006 10:59
My collection