when you are truly in love with someone , everything about her/him is unique and beautiful in your eyes ... you see the BEST of the person .

first time ever I actually like how I look in the photos ... I somehow magically became prettier in his eyes through the camera ... I was astonished to see a lot of snapshots of me he took with my camera ...
I never liked almost any photos of me in the past , however, I didn't know that I would have the look like that in front of a camera one day - even when I was casually dressed for breakfast in the morning ...
一向討厭被照相的我 因為知道自己很不上相 過去根本沒有一張照片是我喜歡的 總絕得自己不漂亮 過去的交往對象擁有數台專業相機 偏偏他拍出的我都是很奇怪的角度 更是徹底打擊我的自信心 ....
無意中 發現這個不是很懂攝影的他隨意按下的快門捕捉到的我卻有這 一種連我自己有點驚訝看到的神情 .............
it proves.... it's not really about what kind of camera you are using , or how much you know about photgraphy ... but it's the matter of the fact that HOW and WHAT you see in the person ....
連一大早 沒化妝 沒帶耳環 的去 Rose Garden 吃早餐的樸素裝扮 .....
第一次 絕得 .... 自己 在鏡頭前 還 可以 ............................. 在他眼中的我 是美麗的 .... 就算是在細微的怪表情 都是可愛的 ..............................
忽然想到 難怪人家說.....
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

假裝優雅在玫瑰花園吃早餐 (用柔光營造一點夢幻氣氛 哈)

因為是設定"M"模式 所以他不知如何調 照片有點暗..... (努力修圖過了 ...........)

first time ever I actually like how I look in the photos ... I somehow magically became prettier in his eyes through the camera ... I was astonished to see a lot of snapshots of me he took with my camera ...
I never liked almost any photos of me in the past , however, I didn't know that I would have the look like that in front of a camera one day - even when I was casually dressed for breakfast in the morning ...
一向討厭被照相的我 因為知道自己很不上相 過去根本沒有一張照片是我喜歡的 總絕得自己不漂亮 過去的交往對象擁有數台專業相機 偏偏他拍出的我都是很奇怪的角度 更是徹底打擊我的自信心 ....
無意中 發現這個不是很懂攝影的他隨意按下的快門捕捉到的我卻有這 一種連我自己有點驚訝看到的神情 .............
it proves.... it's not really about what kind of camera you are using , or how much you know about photgraphy ... but it's the matter of the fact that HOW and WHAT you see in the person ....
連一大早 沒化妝 沒帶耳環 的去 Rose Garden 吃早餐的樸素裝扮 .....
第一次 絕得 .... 自己 在鏡頭前 還 可以 ............................. 在他眼中的我 是美麗的 .... 就算是在細微的怪表情 都是可愛的 ..............................
忽然想到 難怪人家說.....
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

假裝優雅在玫瑰花園吃早餐 (用柔光營造一點夢幻氣氛 哈)

因為是設定"M"模式 所以他不知如何調 照片有點暗..... (努力修圖過了 ...........)