這是我烤蛋糕喔 這篇終於在修修改改中完成了 I have finally finished writing this... and this is the cake I baked today .... not only looking good but tastes great as well..... anyone who eants a piece , let me know .... :)
I saw this from one of the books I am reading .... .... we will know what is the happiness we are looking for ony if we have truly known who we are ... 只有真正了解自己後 才能體會我所尋找的幸福長得什麼模樣
I have been thinking about it....and I couldn't agree with it more .... I often hear people say (including myself ) " Nobody understands me " ," you don't know me .." ... in fact , I often say that I don't understand myself ... I am a complicated person ... Anyway, maybe it's true that they don't understand us ... BUT the question is .... DO WE REALLY KNOW /UNDERSTAND OURSELVES ??
otherwise why do we often say ... " I don't know what I want .." " I don't know what I want to be..... "." I don't know if he/she is the right one ....." If we knew ourselves very well , we would know what we want .... , don't you think so ?
自從我從一本書中看到這句話後就一直思考這件事發現我真的很認同這句話 我常常聽很多人(包括我自己在內) "沒人了解我 " "你不知道我的想法 " ...... 事實上 我常說我自己也不懂我自己 我認為我是個複雜的人.... 反正或許這是真的他們並不了解我們 但是問題來了 我們又真的了解自己嗎 ?? 否則我們為什麼常說 "我不知道我要什麼 " "我不知道我該做什麼 " "我不知道他/她適不適合我...... " 如果我們真的了解自己 那我們不是應該知道自己要什麼 不是嗎 ?
We often envy what other people have , don't see the fact that it may not be as right for us as for them ... and we often forget to appreciate what we already have ,instead we complain about it or criticise ... we often neglect the people who are close to us and seldom pay any compliment to them but we generously compliment other people ...we say " we get what we deserve " 我們常羨慕別人擁有的 但沒看見事實是他們所擁有的不見得是適合我們的 我們常忘記去珍惜去欣賞我們已經擁有的 相反的我們抱怨或批評他們 我們常忽略我們身旁最親進的人卻不吝嗇的讚美他人 "王八配綠豆 配的剛剛好
Why do we often think that what other people have is better than what we have ...?? when we were young , we compared our parents with other's , when we are married , our freind's wife must be better than mine .... when we hear someone criticise us for doing /saying thing .... we blame each other for having done things or said things first to cause our reactions ....or we just simply blame them for being overreactive , or overcritical .... everything we do , there must be a good reason .... If I make a mistake , then it must because someone else has made one first ....... People always say " it takes two to tango ".
為什麼我們常認為別人的東西就是比自己的好 ??當我們年輕時 我們來別人的父母跟我們自己的比較 當我們結婚時 朋友的老婆就是比自己的好 當有人批評我們時 我們怪對方先說什麼或先做什麼才會引起我們做出這樣的反應 或是就是責怪對方反應過度或是太過挑剔 反正我們所做的每件事都有個好理由 如果我犯了錯一定是別人先做錯 別忘了"一個巴掌拍不響 " "
We seem to have lost the ability to self reflect , to review our behaviours . It is hard to face our imperfections , not to mention someone like me who has far too much pride , but the funny thing is , I found that admitting my mistakes wasn't as bad as I had expected ot to be , my world doesn't collapse , my family and friends don't laugh at me or look down on me .... instead , Because of knowing who I really am , I have finally known what I really want ..... not what I thought I had wanted to have a lot of money .... or have an exciting social life , or to live in a luxurious house ( Of course , I don't mind that if my husband is rich .... i have no problem with that ) , but I now want to live a simple life with someone who loves me , understand me and indulge me , who shares the same aspects of life .... to grow old together , a friend , a life partner .... I don't feel sorry for what I don't have , and learning to be grateful with what I already have , to enjoy my free time, enjoy being alone ... ... embrace the present .... learn from the past ... look to the future .... 我們似乎已經失去自省,自我檢討的能力 當然要去面對自己的缺點是很難的 但是有趣的是 我發現承認自己的錯並不像我想像的那麼糟 我的世界並沒有崩塌 我的家人朋友並沒人潮校我或看輕我 相反的 因為認清自己反而讓我知道自己真正要的是什麼 並不是我一直認為自己要的..很多的錢 精采的社交生活 住在豪宅 (當然我不介意我的老公是個有錢人 ) 現在的我要的是跟一個愛我懂我寵我的人過著簡單生活 一個跟我有著相同生活觀 一起變老的朋友,生活夥伴 我不會為我所沒有的東西感到遺憾 我線再學習去感激我們能擁有的 學習去享受空閒時間 享受一個人的時間 擁抱當下 從過去中學習 看向未來
- Apr 14 Fri 2006 09:30
to know what we are really looking for we must know ourselves first ...只有真正了解自己後 才能體會我所尋找的幸福長得什麼模樣