My birthday is on April 28, and my family always celebrate lunar birthdays together by having dinner and cutting a cake.... and actually my lunar birthday is this Friday , but we decided to have an early celebration tonight ....  I tried baking an apple pie..... looks good, again ...not sure how it tastes like.... will see .... 

HA HA HA    my apple pie turned out to be a great success .....  YEAH !!  My brother- in- law had two pieces .... YUMMY YUMMY !!       I am a GENIUS ....    I got a MP4 for my birthday from my brother, his girlfriend and sister ...and some money from my parents ......   Cool , I can listen to my Spanish CD with my MP4.......... NOW.... Tanya only needs a HUSBAND and a GOOD Digital Camera .....   Do you think it's too much to ask for ?        

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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