
香港  星光大道  Avenue of Stars ..     著名景點      one of the famous tourist sites in HK ...  

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( 800 X 800 上傳   想看看 有差別嗎   好像變模糊了  ......... )

it has different looks during the the day and night ...    白天夜晚  各有不同感覺   


但是  我愛的是再這的回億   因為住宿的飯店就在旁邊    六天下來  天天都會去星光大道上   白天  下午  坐在那 喝咖啡     晚上沿著大道上散歩 ..... 

However , what I love about here is the " sweet memories " we made here ...   because the hotel we were staying at was just right next to it , so during my 6 days stay in HK , we spent time there every day ...    during the day , perhaps , we had a coffee , breakfast there , at night , we took walks and enjoyed being together ...  


    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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