

all these photos were taken with " Panasonic LX 2 "   

這裡的照片 都是用我的 LX 2    


  Hong Kong is Beautiful in a unique way ....        香港有種獨特的美   


這幾天  搭著地鐵到處走     自己一個人的日子   基本上  就是 迷路  ...................................       連地圖都看不懂的我  .....

就是  不斷的 亂走   .....     一個人旅行  這樣亂無目的的遊香港  也是很有趣的    

during my stay in HK ,  we walked a lot ...   getting round by MTR ...   when I was on my own , I got LOST a lot ...    coz I just couldn't  read the MAP ... 

I simply walked ...  and turned without any specific direction ....     it's kinda fun to explore HK like this way when you travel alone . 

金魚街   here we are at the " Gold Fish " street   


you can see why ... it's called  " gold fish street " ...    all the fish in these small plastic bags hanging outside the stores ... 

為什麼 叫做 金魚街    因為 整條街都是巷這樣 把魚裝一袋袋的掛在外面賣  


發現  很奇怪的魚    因為怕被老闆罵  很快的偷拍一張   所以 不清楚     這些  據老闆說  是改良品種的 血鸚鵡  

但是  我絕得 應該是 他們寫字上去的吧     魚的身上 居然有  中文字   "財"  "福" "風" " 貴" .....等字        太奇怪了  


look what I have found ...   " Stinky Tofu "  from taiwan !!  



Lady's street  女人街  


lots of great foods in HK ....... especially along the streets ....................       好多美食  尤其是 在路邊      


許留山   的芒果冷飲  是 一定要來一杯的   ....     we like this Mango drink  :)  

at night ....  we went to  " Bottoms UP "  , a  Topless bar in Wan cha      , really cool place ....    the girls were really " topless "  

actually it says that it's the first topless bar in HK ...  

I have always wanted to go to this kind of bar to see what it is like ...   finally , my dream came ture ... ha ha  :) 

晚上   應我的要求  也去到 灣仔  有名的"艷舞" 上空 酒吧的地區    一路上都是  看像是菲律賓之類的外籍女子 坐在門外 招攬客人  

看到觀光指南上 介紹 一家是 香港第一家的 上空bar ...     曾經多年前 007系列電影中的一部 還在這家店借場地拍攝  

總之  我一直很想到這種地方看看       

進去  只要買一杯飲料   價錢也很合理   沒有比較貴      之後   走進去   吧台裡 就各自站著 "上空" 身著薄紗的女人  

看著兩個 巨乳  在面前晃   雖說  他其他身體部分也不算小 ................   很親切的跟我們聊天 一直要我們 bottoms up ...  (乾杯)  

only need to pay for your dinks before you get in ..  the price is reasonable ...     

once you are inside , there are two bars ... each has a girl / woman standing behind the bar - topless ...     talking with you ...  

seeing two HUGE breasts hanging and movingf around in front of me ...  made me difficult not to look at them ....  ha ha ... though she is in general not too " small " either ..    she is really friendly though  


and even offered to take a photo for us ..   :)    

had a great fun with my HB in HK ......................   


Hong Kong ....   a fascinating place to visit ...     

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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