- May 19 Sat 2007 04:16
~ the only thing I can think of ...
- May 18 Fri 2007 23:07
~ How would you like to "DIE" tonight ?
- May 18 Fri 2007 17:16
~ Nice walk in the park 2
- May 18 Fri 2007 15:55
~ Nice walk in the park 1
- May 17 Thu 2007 17:58
~ More than words (言語之外)
Saying I love you
- May 17 Thu 2007 15:50
~ Cameras vs People
- May 17 Thu 2007 15:40
~ Have I told you lately that I love you
- May 17 Thu 2007 02:55
~ 沒有如果,只有如此
" I have a theory that every time you make an important choice, the part of you left behind continues the other life you could have had. Some people's emanations are very strong, some people create themselves afresh outside of their own body. This is not fancy. If a potter has an idea, she makes it into a pot, and it exists beyond her, in its own separate life. She uses a physical substance to display her thoughts. If I use a metaphysical substance to display my thoughts, I might be anywhere at one time, influencing a number of different things, just as the potter and her pottery can exert influence in different places. There's a chance that I'm not here at all, that all the parts of me, running along all the choices I did and didn't make, for a moment brush agains teach other.”
- May 16 Wed 2007 22:11
~ Don't boil broccoli
青菜不要用燙的! 英研究:水煮花椰菜抗癌物損失七成