Common symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism
Palpitations (No)
Heat intolerance (No)
Nervousness (sometimes)
Insomnia (getting better)
Breathlessness (NO)
Increased bowel movements (NO)
Light or absent menstrual periods (don't know)
Fatigue (sometimes)
Fast heart rate (No)
Trembling hands (No)
Weight loss (slowly)
Muscle weakness (No)
Warm moist skin (No)
Hair loss (humm...)
Staring gaze (No)
If the cause of hyperthyroidism is Graves' disease, eye symptoms include puffiness around the eyes, increased tear formation, irritation, and unusual sensitivity to light.
Hyperthyroidism has several causes, including Graves' disease, thyroiditis, inflammation from toxic substances or radiation exposure, toxic thyroid nodules, and overstimulation due to an overactive pituitary gland.
Graves' disease, the most common cause of hyperthyroidism, is an autoimmune disorder caused by an abnormal protein (antibody) in the blood that stimulates the thyroid to produce and secrete excess thyroid hormones into the blood. This cause of hyperthyroidism is often hereditary, especially in women, and almost always leads to a diffusely enlarged thyroid.
Thyroiditis is inflammation of the thyroid gland. In subacute thyroiditis, silent lymphocytic thyroiditis, and, much less often, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism occurs as stored hormones are released from the inflamed gland. Hypothyroidism usually follows because the levels of stored hormones are depleted. Finally, the gland usually returns to normal function.
Inflammation from toxic substances or radiation exposure, like the three main types of thyroiditis, can also cause hyperthyroidism.
A toxic (hyperfunctional) thyroid nodule (adenoma) is an area of abnormal local tissue growth within the thyroid gland. This abnormal tissue produces thyroid hormones even without stimulation by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Thus, a nodule escapes the mechanisms that normally control the thyroid gland and produces thyroid hormones in large quantities. Toxic multinodular goiter (Plummer's disease), in which there are many nodules, is uncommon in adolescents and young adults and tends to become more common with aging.
Drugs and iodine can cause hyperthyroidism. Drugs include amiodarone Some Trade Names
, interferon-alpha, and, rarely, lithium Some Trade Names
. Excess iodine, as may occur in people taking certain expectorants, or iodine-containing contrast agents for x-ray studies may cause hyperthyroidism.
An overactive pituitary gland can produce too much TSH, which in turn leads to overproduction of thyroid hormones. However, this is an extremely rare cause of hyperthyroidism.
I think I should get a test done every year ... just in case ..