on the way back to HwaLien from Taitung , HB saw another Grand looking building " glowing " in the dark .... so we stopped to have a look at it ... we walked quite a few steps up to the main building ... it was a very nice elegant Buddhism temple ...
在往花蓮的路上 對寺廟有著高度興趣他 只要看到寺廟 宗祠 就會像小孩看見玩具般的指著大叫說 " 那裡有間廟 "
於是 當我們開在幾乎是漆黑的路上時 忽然看到在遠處有棟"發亮"的建築物 於是 就停下車來 走上很長的台階上去
as we were wondering around ... someone came up to us and told us that we could worship if we liked to , so we lit some incenses and began to worship ...
I am never good at all this religious ceremonies ... so I finished my worshiping really fast as I always do , was expecting to see my HB would have finished as well, but to my surprise , as I turned around to only find him still " talking " to the Buddha .... with his eyes closed , he looked really serious and sincere ... after he finished , HB told me that he felt something - like he was touched by an electricity while he was worshiping . I was teasing him that he must have been a Buddist in his last life ... " a Buddha 's touch "
當我們在門口東晃一晃時 有位先生出現 告訴我們說我們可以點香拜拜如果我們要的話 於是 我在得到"如何拜拜的程序指示"後 (我根本搞不清楚該先從哪裡拜起)
兩人點起香 開始朝外面先拜起 結果一項很撩草拜拜的我 一如往常我很快結束 並將香挿進香爐 以為他也會已經結束 沒想到 我轉頭卻發現這個外國人居然雙眼緊閉 很虔誠的拜拜中 ......................... 之後他說 當他再拜時 他感到很平靜 似乎有種電流碰到他身體的感覺 我開玩笑說 他上輩子可能是佛教徒
這次的花東行 帶有一點宗教味 ........... 或許 他真的是半個台灣人吧 他敢吃的東西還比我多.................
perhaps ...my HB is half Taiwanese .... since he dares to try more stuff that I do ...ha
- Jan 22 Tue 2008 21:41
~ Buddha's touch ??