I went to New Zealand for the first time in the end of 2005 , to be honest , I can't remember how long I stayed there for , and exactly where " we " went ....
as there aren't any photos for me to remember of anything about the trip ... only remember that I wasn't really enjoying the whole trip ...
however , seeing this chocolate bar at one of the 7-11 the other day just brought back some memories - good memories - the surprisingly good taste of the chocolate
我在2005年底第一次去紐西蘭 說真的 因為沒有任何一張照片 於是 我根本對於這次旅行的印象幾乎是 零 去多久也不記得 我們去了哪裡更不記得
不過 前幾天在一家7-11 發現 這個巧克力 把我對紐西蘭的回憶 - 好回憶 都帶回來了 哈哈 這個巧克力的味道真的很令我驚訝
還記得是在紐西蘭的某一下午 開車途中 在路邊的一家雜貨店 買東西 結帳時看到這個 巧克力 - 我是個充滿好奇心的人 尤其是對吃的 我總是在我每一趟旅行中 去找去試當地的美食 點心 零食 , 於是當我看到 纽西蘭的巧克力 我就馬上買了兩個 - 花生口味 跟椰子口味 ( 這時我的記憶力就變很好 哈哈哈 )
Whittaker's Peanut slab
在車上 一打開吃 我馬上就上癮了 我並不算是特愛吃花生的人 除了 花生醬外 但是這個巧克力 充滿了好多的香脆花生 花生多的很恐怖 加上又不像是其他花生巧克力一樣的粘或是過甜 我再回台灣前 還堅持去超市買了一堆回家送學生吃 ...........
when I saw it in a local grocery in NEW ZEALAND ... I was really curious like always when I am on each trip , curious to try every local food , snacks ....
so I picked one or two of them .......... and WOW ... No wonder , they are named " Peanut slab " - really " nutty " flavor , milk chocolate with a lot of crunchy peanuts .... In fact , I bought a lot more in a supermarket before we came back to Taiwan ...
I was over excited when I saw this chocolate is now available in Taiwan ... I bought two different flavors - peanut slab and Raisin peanut slab
the next time when you go to a 7-11 , you can try one ... :)
很開心看到台灣現在也可以吃到這個好吃的巧克力了 不過 台灣只賣兩種口味 花生 以及葡萄乾花生
下次去7-11時 可以試試看喔