I have been viewing a few links recently .... and this is one of them ... which I think it's really inspiring ....
最近一直再參考一些網站 這是其中一個 我覺得非常具有啟發性
People are writing down at least 5 things which they are grateful for everyday .... even most of them are very odinary little things but are really impreesive and sweet ....
他訂出一個主題讓大家自由留下每天至少五件令他們感激感謝的事情 很多人留言 有些事雖然是在平凡也不過了 但是卻令人印象深刻
"Even When we are in a difficult situation , still try to look for what is RIGHT at the moment ...and build on it ..... "
" 就算處於在惡劣的情況下 也要從中試著找出"好的"一面 抱持正面思考 "
here is what someone wrote that I really like .....
1. My daugher turned 14 today. I’m grateful for her wonderful, effervescent life.
2. I’m grateful that her biggest family problems are getting her chores done responsibly. At work I deal with a number of young ladies who, at her age, have already had problems with pregnancy and chemical dependency.
3. I’m grateful that my wife didn’t cave in to my pressure in February of 1992 and have an abortion. I can’t imagine having terminated the life of my daughter before I had a chance to meet her.
4. I’m grateful that my wife had a choice, and didn’t have to sweat whether or not to have an abortion. She knew that she could, but knew that she couldn’t terminate the life growing within her.
5. I’m grateful that her pregnancy became the catalyst for reconciliation instead of yet another wedge driving us apart.
Tanya says ........................
I am grateful that I have a wonderful caring mom who takes care of us ...
I am grateful that Nyo Nyo is still healthy and active even at the age like hers ....
I am grateful that I have always had an easy life ....
I am grateful that the ASUS guy fixed my laptop in a hour so that I wouldn't have to wait for 5 days ...
I am grateful that I have regained my composure to deal with his existence ... ..
I am grateful that I have experienced a breaking up that I can experience what real love is
I am grateful that I have met a good guy who is very understanding and has been very supportive .... and he has given me some great advice, who is not afraid to tell me his affection even though he knows that my hearts is still wandering ....
I am grateful that I have reconnected my friendship with Nancy ,and through her , I have got to know a bunch of good people - Sylvia , Sandy , Joan
I am grateful that I have developed my interest in photography , so I have met - Iris ,Jo , Isabelle ,Ryan ...
I am grateful that I was given the chance to go to Florida where I met Rabe , " B" and " B " ..... ...