Winter is coming ........ 冬天要來了
Have decided our plans for Christmas , yes , this December 24, 25th ........
剛決定耶誕節的計畫 是的 下個月 24 25
As I am feeling excited about it , I also realise that 2006 is nearly over ........... Time flies .....
正當我為耶誕節感到興奮時 我同時也發現今年也要結束了 時間過的真是快
This year has been a fulfiiling year for me .... why ??
今年是個豐收年 為什麼
In Feburary I broke up with P ( it looked so bad at that time but ..hey ..... look at me now - I've got my life back )
二月分手 (那時事情看起來很遭 但是 哈 看看我 現在我開始真正過生活了 )
In late Feburary to March , I went to Switzerland to visit my friends and stayed there for nearly three weeks .........
( I got my ears pierced and made a friend , Got a proposal from C .... )
二月底 去瑞士找朋友呆了二星期多 認識新朋友 穿了耳洞 還有人跟我求婚 發現攝影很好玩
In late March , I took Spanish lessons
三月底 開始學西班牙文
In April , started my swimming lessons and bought a DSLR and enrolled in photography lessons ..............
四月 開始學游泳 也買了新數位單眼像機 報名攝影課
In May , went to Clean Field Farm
五月 去清境農場
In July , went to Florida and stayed there for a month , and I experienced a lot of things that I had never done before .....
( got a seriouse tan and burned my hair ...... )
七月 去佛羅里達一個月 在哪裡認識一堆朋友 體驗很多從沒試過的事 曬黑 頭髮也焦了
In late August , enrolled in another Photography course , and went to many places .... like SUn Moon Lake , Yeh Liu ...
八月底 報名另依堂攝影課 認識更多同學 也跑很多地方 像是日月潭 野柳 等等
In September , went to more places in Taiwan ...... met a Korean friend ...
九月 去更多地方 認識一個韓國朋友
In October , went to Bali for a week with Tiffany ( my truly relaxing vacation )
十月 去巴里島一星期 真的放空放鬆的假期
In November , this Sunday , I am going to WU LAI - 桶后溪 , where you need to get a permit to get in .... Can't wait for that
Next Sunday , I am going on a three-day trip to Wu-Lin Farm , He -Huan Mountains and other places .....
十一月 這星期天 我要去烏來 桶后溪 跟朋友去 聽說要申請入山證才能去 真期待
下星期天 要去三天兩頁的武陵農場及合歡山之旅 太棒了
In December , going to YiLan for Christmas ... with Christmas dinner .... and Santa Clause
on December 31, New Year'eve , going to a concert with friends .... yeah............ something new for me too .....
十二月 去宜蘭過聖誕節 還有聖誕餐及聖誕老公公 哈哈
跨年那天 要去聽跨年演唱會 也是我的第一次參加跨年演唱會 耶
See .......... I have been busy this year .... and I can actually remember what I have done .... just like the lyrics , FINALLY life doesn't seem so bad , Finally my destiny began , and Finally I started living ,,,, it's true ....this is the first time I have felt that I am actually living my life ... for the past 30 years of my life .... I was sleeping having a dream ....the dream that I can't barely remember .... nice but empty .... Still miss P sometimes , but thank him for breaking up with me ... and hope our breaking-up has also brought him a new aspect of life .... hope everyone I know is happy and can get whatever they are looking for ..... hope A-Bian steps down soon........... ha ha ha
所以囉 我今年還真的是很忙耶 我還真的記得我今年做的事 以往的30年 我似乎沒太多的回憶 就這樣 沒特別
就像歌詞唱著 終於 我的人生似乎沒那麼糟 終於我的命運開始展開 終於我開始過生活 ( 開始活了起來 ) 我真的有這種感覺 第一次覺得用心過生活 之前的日子都不知在幹麻 日子過的很好 但是空虛
還是有時會想起p 但是也謝謝他跟我分手 希望我們的分手也帶給他一個新的生活觀 希望每個人的快樂開心得到你們追求的 希望阿扁快點下台 哈哈哈 整天新聞看到快煩死了
Which way to go ???
- Nov 08 Wed 2006 10:57
~ 2006 , a fulfiiling year 充實的2006