
A Typhoon is hitting the island tomorrow ....          Have heard a lot of experts say that there is usually a magnificent sky the day before a typhoon comes ...   

so this afternoon , I carried my camera bag and a tripod ........ went to Da-Dou -Chen , for sunset shooting ...............  

before 5:30 pm  


a lot of people were there already with their tripods .....  


people riding bicycles there .....  


people with different kinds of cameras ....    and waiting for the big " scene " 


we waited ..... and waited ...................... and waited .................. 







not sure what I had expected to see ..... but   not what I saw today ..............................         a bit disappointed ....    


this one .... I think ...I used my ND filter ......      can't remember .... 


nothing spectacular ......................   but it was a fun and relaxing afternoon with my friend - Jo         

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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