the house party we had last Saturday night .... we had a lot of fun .... I made some SALSA dip with some corn chips and potato chips on top with some cheese ...
星期六的轟趴 很熱鬧 我做了 莎莎醬 配上焗烤玉米片 洋芋片 很簡單的零食 卻令我意外的受歡迎 吃光光 ..... 哈
easy to make ... but it was surprisingly popular ....
下次 來做甜點 嘿嘿 ......
here are some photos at the party one of the friends took .... can see my hand ... :) ha ha ...
可以 到這看看 一位朋友拍的party 照片 可以看到那天的貓貓狗狗 還有我的手 ......