因為攝影而認識的一群個性不同生活背景不同的朋友卻因有著共同興趣 大夥各自從台北 新竹 中壢 淡水 到三重聚會 喝酒 吃東西 ( 終於知道什麼叫"嘴巴都沒停過" 有人可以一直吃吃吃 )
Through Photography I met these friends , we came from different backgrounds but share the same interest . Last night , we came to SanChong from DanShui , HsinChu , Chong Li , Taipei for a gathering party , we drank , ate ( and someone was eating NONESTOP all night long ... that is amazing )
看DVD 看電視 第一次發現 跟這群攝影人一起看電影是一件很吵的事 因為有人一直問問題 有人一直回答問題 再加上居然連看個"霍元甲"也可以扯到拍照構圖以及景深景淺..... 大家真是 走火入魔 若是在場有非攝影人在 大概會叫我們閉嘴 當我們是神經病 ................
we watched TV , a DVD .. and the first time I realised that it's very noisy to watch a movie with photography nuts ..... because , there were people asking questions , there were also people answering questions during the whole movie ... furthermore , while we were watching a Chinese Martial Art movie on TV , we could actually discuss the composition of some scenes in the movie and how we could use it to take photos ...... we are just " NUTS "
進入朋友居住的大樓時 樓下警衛要求押證件換"來賓證" 還得填寫一堆資料 那個警衛看到連續三人背著腳架來 於是以為我們是"攝影協會"聚會
照昨晚的狀況 應該說是"邪教"聚會吧 ............. 一隻貓 還有一個被貓嚇的到處跳的180以上的男人 兩個頭髮比女人長的男人 還有兩個在廚房辛苦"搗出"鳳梨汁的苦命小女工 一對睡到晚上七點的夫妻 加上兩隻狗 還有拼命追著貓狗用他的魚眼鏡頭拍照的人
what a weird party last night .... a cat , and a over 180cmm tall man who is afraid of cats so he was jumping around the house .. two men whose hair is longer than any women in the house ..... and two hard working women ( that wiil be me and Iris ) in the kitchen " smashing " a pineaaple ..... ha ha ha ... a couple whodidn't get up until 7 pm came to the party with their two cute dogs ... and a man who was chasing after the cat and dogs all everning to take photos of them with his new Fisheye lense ............. if this is not weird enough , .....
半夜12點 走過天橋 (天橋上還有一個吸食強力膠的流浪漢) 來到淡水河邊 拍拍夜景 看到對岸的新光三越大樓 甚至看得到101 ...
有兩個"肌肉男" 當場上演 脫衣秀 ....................................
around 12 midnight , we walked across the overpass to the riverbank , ( by the way , there was a homeless man doing a " glue-sniffing " on the overpass )
we walked down to the river , took a few shots of the night view ...could see the Mitukoshi building and as well as Taipei 101 from the other side of the river .... city lights glowing in the dark ... with a full moon hanging in the sky .....
and .... two men " took off " their shirts ............. ha ha ha ....
( 白平衡 改白緻光 )
(白平衡自動 )
有人一直動來動去 結果曝光舖成像是一堆鬼影
還是 在動 ....................
anyway ... we had a wonderful time ...
- Jul 01 Sun 2007 20:44
~ Housewarming Party