
一天下午在中興新村  慘案發生    我的木偶Jimmy  跟我天人永隔  魂斷南投(某國小操場)

當場 幫他辦了 一場葬禮      (  感謝  Iris 作花圈跟十字架     感謝風X  挖墓穴  - 這兩人頗有職業級水準  )

A terrible accident  happened ....  in Nan Tou ....    therefore me and my " Jimmy " had to say goodbye forever ...       thanks for the wonderful time and the happiness you gave us....   you will be missed !    We gave him a funeral ....   and we also invited " Kitty " to be a guest ...    


I just can't believe that it's over.

We were chilling out on the sofa,
Digging how the guitar goes,
In a song that no one knows.

Did you lick that line yourself,
Or did the voodoo magic help?
Does everyone have a different take?
Do you seem real but I seem fake?
Does everyone get hypnotized by your fire?

So long, Jimmy, so long.

Though you only stayed a moment,
We all know that you're the one. Singing,
So long, Jimmy, so long.

(感謝 Jo 的 Kitty貓 當來賓 )

Sure we're glad for the experience,
We miss you now you've gone.
We're just swimming in your soul 'cause,
We all wish we wrote this song.
Life goes on.

I'm just so relieved that it's over.
We were hanging out going nowhere,
Digging how the guitar goes,
In a song that no one knows.

Did you burn that bridge yourself,
Or did the voodoo magic help?
Does everyone have a different take?
Are you just cool and I'm just baked?
Does everyone get mesmerized by your fire?

So long, Jimmy, so long.
Though you only stayed a moment,
We all know that you're the one. Singing,
So long, Jimmy, so long.

Sure we're glad for the experience,
We miss you now you've gone.
We're just swimming in your soul 'cause,
We all wish we wrote this song.
Life goes on. 

下次經過時  會再去看你的    

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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