" I can't dance , I don't know the steps " She said .
" you have been dancing with me for the past 19 years " he answered .
Finding a life partner , finding someone who dances through your life with you is not easy ..... because it requires " Trust "
找到一個人生伴侶 找到一個跟你跳一生之舞的伴侶 很不容易 因為 他需要 "信任"
if I make a mistake , my dance partner will back me up and cover my mistakes .
如果 我跳錯 我的舞伴會支援我 會幫我掩飾我的錯
If we lose contact , my partner will continue dancing as if we were still connected and will eventually find my hand without moving out of position or stopping
如果 我們舞步沒接上 我的舞伴會很有默契地繼續跳著 最後還能不需停下腳步地牽回我的手 繼續跳著
someone who dances on their own weight . 一個可以獨立自主的舞伴 (感謝小希確認以上中文沒翻錯 哈)
being single is good 一個人很好
TWo is better ............
有 70-300mm VR 更是好
哈哈哈 離題了