"  Learning and teaching go hand in hand.  The things you learn today, you will teach to others tomorrow, be it through word or example.  Be conscious of the fact that somebody is looking to you for an example.  Somebody is looking to you for the "how-to's." Be aware of what you are learning and what you are teaching because it will influence those around you.  Ask yourself, "What is it that others can benefit from by watching me?  How do I carry myself?  Do I walk around looking like I've been sucking on lemons all night?  Or, do I walk around with the attitude, 'Yes, today is my day!'"


      Life is about growing and investing in others.  To continue growing involves continual learning.  We should never get to the point where we believe we are too old or too set in our ways to learn and to grow.  Our experience, wisdom, and even attitudes toward life can be a wonderful, positive influence and investment into the lives of others.   " 

我一直認為自己是老師 也是個學生    學生不分年齡都是我的老師 我們互相學習 不只是語言上得學習 而是想法 生活觀念   這次中華電信的學生 寫了兩張卡片給我謝謝我過去12周的教學 其實很開心 因為我看到他們的進不 從一開始不愛上英文 不習慣開口說英文 到後來跟我說發現其實英文並不難也很有趣      
 我想這是我從這份工作中得到的成就感吧   能幫助別人是一件快樂的事




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    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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