
第一次搭位於美麗華的摩天輪   First time riding in the ferris Wheel at Miramar in NeiHU , Taipei

It was a bit cloudy ..... 天空灰灰的    can see Taipei 101 from above , and also can see " HER " .... can't believe this ... She is everywhere
除了可以看見101   居然我還看到了" 她" 真是不敢相信  到處都有她  

放眼望去  最奇怪的是這一片醜到不行公寓   those apartment buildings are kind of uglly..... I have to say.........

kinda like the ride as we went very slowly ......... and the line wasn't long ... only waited for 5 minutes before it was our turn ... 還滿喜歡這趟摩天輪  因為她動的很慢  很平穩  而且我們並沒有排隊排很久   只等約五分鐘吧   didn't have my Kikon with me, but my LX2 ... have no idea what they are ....think they are kinda cool 不知他們是什麼 只覺得往下看還滿酷的 

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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