Christmas is coming ........................... going to have a party ... Should I bake a pumpkin Pie myself or just buy one .... really like the pumpkin pie from Starbucks ....
Perhaps I should go and ask them tomorrow if I can place an order and pick it up in Yi Lan ... ha ha It is going to be some special Xmas for me ... I think I had my Xmas in Australia last year ... but can't remember what I did there .... and I really can't remember what I was doing for the Xmas the year before .... Gee... my memory is really bad ...... YEAH !! celebrating X'mas in Yi-Lan ... Can't wait ....
到底該自己考南瓜派還是用買的就好 真的很喜歡星巴克的南瓜派 或許明天該去問問能否定一個派然後在宜蘭的星巴克取貨
沒錯 今年的耶誕應該會是很特別 要在宜蘭 去年好像是在澳洲 不過不太記得做了什麼 前年也沒印象 天啊 我真的是很糟糕
- Dec 12 Tue 2006 00:44
~ Bake or BUY