

My pottery painting work No 2 ............    a Vase .....          I couldn't finish it during the first visit , so I went there again the week after ...  but I had forgotten what colors I had used on it .... therefore .........   it's a very " complicated " vase ....   ha ha  ....     MY " Kindergarten " art work 
分兩次才畫完 前後差一星期 所以我根本忘了我上次用的顏色 哈哈 這個幼幼班程度的花瓶 有著複雜的花色 哈哈哈  


My Great Art Work  No 3 - MR and MRS  PIGGY    -  Salt and Pepper shakers 

偉大作品三號 豬新郎 豬新娘  鹽與胡椒罐    

嗚 不知道顏色會那麼淺 早知道上第二層  

ahh............ didn't know that the pink color was so light ... otherwise I would have put on the second layer ............ 




see ... how cute Mr.Piggy's tcurly tail ....     可愛的豬尾巴


    the very friendly staff in the store gave me this ......   as a present ....     a beer Mug ....     hand-painted by herself ...  Thank you  :)  


謝謝可愛的店員送我自己畫的啤酒杯 為什麼送我我也不知道 就聊天聊到要送我 哈哈哈 謝謝 超可愛的杯子  

開心的 一天   A  Happy  Day   ! 

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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