
This morning as usual , I was running late for my class again....  I couldn't get a taxi then I saw a bus coming so I decided to take the bus .... it was a mistake ......   The bus driver was very excited to see me ...  He is very talkative ....  he started talking to me as soon as I got on ... " wow... you look so thin now , you have lost a lot of weight .... "   " You are not wearing any make-up today , why ?? "  " I haven't seen you for two months ...where have you been ?? " ...........   I had to answer his questions all the way to school......and he was driving very very slowly ........................    at that time , I was thinking ..." Please...STOP talking and drive faster ...  I should have taken a taxi ......  or I should have left my house early ."   ( the later one perhaps is the best one .... I do need to leave my house early  )    

Though I am still thin ... but at least I am not so tanned anymore ...............   ha ha ha 

Ahhhhhhhhh....................    All I have done this year is having fun ....  going to places ....   I am very happy with that .....  because when I was on vacation .... I not only spent time with a few people or many ....  but I also spent quite a lot of time alone ....  and  I was able to do some thinking  as I found things moved at a slower pace and life looked different ...   because I used the time to think , to reflect on my life .....    Believe it or not ... that's how I got all the new thoughts .... and I am happy ....  really happy but not trying to look happy ....          Amazing the difference a day or a trip made !!      

Well.....  guess what ?!   I am going on a vacation again.....   ha ha ha ....................     Thailand or Bali  ...... will know the answer in a week ....     Yeah.....  wondering what I might bring back with me ...   :)    

Not so great for my students though  ..... Had to turn a new student down , as his schedule doesn't fit mine....   

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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