Miss Debby , Miss Tanya and Miss Ellan ...... Three of us made the BEST TEAM .
we had a farewell party on Friday night .... the kids had their concert first ( though they didn't like to practice , but I made them .... Hey ..the result was wonderful ... I am really proud of them ) 我們先有個歡送派對 女生有個音樂會 雖然他們不喜歡我強迫他們練習 但是他們真的表演的很棒 以他們為傲
then I made some boys to sing TAIWANESE NATIONAL ANTHEM and they made this BEAUTIFUL flag with paper ....
then Ellan surprised me by giving me flowers and the thank you note form the kids ... and I surprised her and made her cry by giving her the photo frame I made for her with a group picture of us ... and I asked the kids to give Ellan a hug ..... She cried and cried .....and I was crying too and taking photos at the same time .... 接著我要幾個男生唱台灣國歌 他們還用紙做了 一個很漂亮的國旗 Ellan送我花 小孩送我卡片 接著我送Ellan一個我設計的像框放著我們的團體照 我要全部的小孩給他一個擁抱 Ellan哭的溪哩花啦 害我也跟著哭 女生也都哭
I have had a great time with all these 17 kids ... though they are young ( 10 to 13 years old ) and I do have to yell at them sometimes ..... but they have been wonderful and make me very proud of them ..... now I have to bring all these 17 kids back to Taiwan next Thursday ..... which is the best part .... Orlando to New York then Hong Kong ...Taipei .... well, I managed to bring everyone here safely , sure I can do that again ..... 一路到現在我跟這一群17個小鬼一直都玩得很愉快 雖然她們都很小 10到13歲 而且我常需要對他們威脅加吼叫 但是他們其實都是一群很棒的小孩 我以他們為傲 下星期四要帶著他們回台灣了 真是捨不得離開
回程的路途是很漫長 必須先從奧蘭多到紐約 紐約到香港 香港到台灣 既然我已經有辦法把他們安全帶到這裡 那我相信我一定也可以把他們平安的帶回來
see you n Taiwan 台灣見