just got back from my third spanish class....and we learned how to say numbers in Spanish in the class today ...... My GOD ! it makes you think that English is a lot easier ........ Luckily , we have a really good teacher .... he is really patient with us .... though I can't seem to remember anything he says...
Cero , Uno , Dos, Tres , Cuatro , Cinco , Seis, Siete, Ocho , Nueve, Diez , Once, Doce, Trece, Catorce, Quince, Dieciseis, Diecisiete, Dieciocho, Diecinueve, Veinte .... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ..... alas, Tanya has to recite all these next week , for some reasons , our teacher seems to ask me the most difficult question when it's my turn to answer ....he likes to challenge my memory ..... Poor OLD Tanya can't memorise things as fast as she used to be ....
But I have to continue learning.... coz Tanya wants to go to Spain next year ..... Yeah.... So excited already about the idea ....
test me to repeat these numbers in Spanish when you see me next time in class or somewhere else ....
- Apr 02 Sun 2006 14:00
My 3rd Spanish class...... Yo Aprendo Espanol ...