目前分類:~Lyrics 歌詞 (166)

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Dear Mr. President
Come take a walk with me

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We got the afternoon
You got this room for two

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If I could grant

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  • Aug 10 Fri 2007 13:36
  • ~ Fly

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At last the secret is out,

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Lovin' you is easy cause you're beautiful

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有人問起現在在播的歌名  所以就把之前po的歌詞在翻出來 
by Oliver James )

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I've been running around and

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Just like a star across my sky,
Just like an angel off the page,

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(另一首電影中的歌詞我絕得很可愛 又是 休葛蘭唱的)

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Hugh Grant 

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這是 我前幾天看了一部電影 "K歌情人" 中的主題曲   喜歡她的歌詞  敘述在經歷過失戀後 期待在度找到愛情的心情   this is the song from the movie I watched a few days ago - " Music and Lyrics " . I like the lyrics , just like what it describes to find a way back into love , after experiencing a breakup , still hoping to find someone to love , to have that loving feeling once again  . 

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~ Bon Jovi 
( it is the name of the song that I noticed first .. ( I have loved the saying " you had me at hello" since I saw the movie- Jerry Miguire )  then the lyrics , the melody is not exactly catchy , but I like the lyrics , kind of romantic...   我一開始是注意到這歌名  -you had me from/at hello , 我記得一部電影Jerry Miguire 征服情海  內最後一慕 Tom Cruise 走進屋內說了一堆話希望能挽回他的老婆  最後女主角跟他說 " you had me at hello " - 粗略的翻譯中文是 不需多說什麼 因為你在一開口時就擁有我的心 ....   雖然這首歌的旋律不是很朗朗上口 但是歌詞涵義很浪漫  我絕得啦  )   

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