目前分類:Taipei 台北 (57)

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Tanya 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

重點 不是 這個頭髮比女人還長的怪叔叔        是後面的"太空屋"  哈 

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原打算去九份 找一家餐廳    後來無意間 發現 三芝 芝柏藝術村 的字    於是  決定改變行程 又去三芝  

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funny that I hadn't really noticed the patterns of "manhole covers " and the " lamppostsa" in the streets are actually all different before I took this tour .. 

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   have been troubled by some personal affairs and have been feeling quite down ...   didn't want to be stuck in those negative thoughts ,  so decided to accept my friends' invitation to a free cultural tour of " Da Dao Cheng "    , it turned out to be a very educational tour ... 

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don't know why ... I always meet some people who lend me a hand when I need one wherever I travel ....    this time on the Doulos , I met a girl who has a beautiful heart , her name is - Bruna Marini , from Albania .   She invited us to have lunch with her and gave us a special tour around the ship .

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今天 跟一位一樣也閒閒沒事的朋友 跑去基隆港 參觀忠僕號   

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第一次 搭平溪線時 有位司機笑著說 "要想我喔""  那時就發現平溪線火車司機似乎都是笑嘻嘻的  

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第二次 搭上 平溪線    天氣大不同         

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 明明要去拍保安宮    結果   居然變成在孔廟狂拍    不過   終於讓我聽懂測光跟黑卡  恩 不算完全懂 基本上  聽到數字 我就完全腦袋中風   

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