Top 10 Public Sex Spots

Tanya : 果然這是專門給男生看的文章 ... 這是在告訴男人們他們的女人很期待一些"驚喜"
不過 .... 據我知道不是每個女人都愛" 床" 以外的性愛地點吧 男人們要嘗試給驚喜前最好還是要確定她是否可以接受 免得踩到地雷 ..哈
We snuck into the Women's Health forums to see what the ladies were talking about, and came across this thread about the "craziest place you ever had sex." Take a hint from these adventurous babes, and fulfill her fantasies with one of our sexy rendezvous. Or add your own sexcapade to our list in the Men's Health forums.
Tanya : 嗯嗯 ... 來看看這個經過"多方"參考出來的十大性愛地點吧
10. A Shore Thing
"Everyone's done it on the beach. We took it a few steps higher, to the lifeguard chair. It was a lookout over the entire beach, so we could tell if anyone was coming."
Tanya : 哇喔 就像他說的 幾乎每個人都試過"海邊" 但是坐在高高的"救生員椅"上 ... 好吧 這個厲害
sex on the beach is out of date now ... sex in the "lifeguard chair " is hot ... ha ha
9. Book Worm
"On the 7th floor in the university library during finals week. Great stress reliever!"
Tanya : I don't understand why "library" is NO 9 ... it's definitely college boys' pick .. perhaps one day when I have a young college boyfriend ... will try this library fun
為什麼圖書館是第九名 ...這一定是大學生的選擇吧 ...我看我得等哪天交了個大學生小男友時再去圖書館看看吧 哇哈
8. Porch View
"On my patio that faced the freeway, and at the time we lived in an apartment complex. It was very exciting!"
Tanya: okay , yes , remember having the similar experiences quite a few times ... in Greece , Hong Kong ..
好吧 這個在陽台,露台,窗檯的...都有試過 哇哈
7. Is that on the Menu?
"On the sink counter in a very fancy hotel restaurant's men's room. Still makes me hot to think about it."
Tanya: 在飯店/餐廳....的洗手間... 嗯嗯 真的不錯 不過要想上面說的好一點的餐廳 才不會因為骯髒的廁所掃了"性"致
有著"雙子座"的"強烈好奇心"以及冒險犯難的精神的我 當然也有試過啦 哇哈
also have done that .. in a toilet of the restaurant in Lan Kwai fong , HK .. that was really a nice sueprise :)
6. Field of Dreams
"We always wanted to have sex in an open field. We drove out to the middle of nowhere, found a spot, got a blanket and proceeded to have some great sex! A private airplane kept flying over us, over and over. I guess we didn't have that much privacy after all."
Tanya : 這個很像浪漫電影/小說情節的戶外大草原,平原的... 在密度很高的台灣幾乎是別想了 因為到處都有可能被發現
本人的經驗建議...哈 瑞士很適合 ... 山上健行..浪漫的小溪在旁水聲潺潺 小鳥歌唱 輕綠草地 野餐毯一鋪 藍天白雲 再來點溫暖陽光 這比點滿蠟燭的臥室還浪漫啊 哈 連很多遊客的"策馬特"也行...
this is much more romantic than a candle-light bedroom ... but it's almost impossible to find a really private spot in Taiwan .. so according my personal experience ;) Switzerland , for example , is perfect . easily find a private place for two people , with a creek by the side , brids singing , green grass , blue sky and warm sun on your bare skin ... can even do it in "Zermatt",where there are full of tourists .. ha
5. Dive In
"Once on a diving board at my apartment complex swimming pool at 3 a.m. The pool was lit up below us, and the air was filled with the scent of flowering trees...quite intoxicating!"
Tanya: water ... warm water is much more appealing to me .. ha . 在海裡,遊泳池裡聽起來是很浪漫 不過專家們都知道"不能在水裡待太久" 因為還有一些像是感染的問題要小心 :) 另外就是我不喜歡太冷的水 哈
4. Bolder Boulder
"The time we were on a huge sun-warmed boulder along a mountain stream through the Great Smokey Mountain National Park. Nothing like the great outdoors!"
Tanya : this sounds great ... lying on a sun-warmed rock in a national park .. your only audience is the animals .. ha ha
這個在國家公園內的戶外性愛看起來挺浪漫的 躺在被陽光曬的暖暖的大石頭上 唯一的可能觀眾是公園內的動物們 哇哈
3. Tourgasm
"The castle in Prague. My boyfriend and I took the self-guided tour. We went down a staircase and ended up in a very large, empty, dark, stone room. A little spooky, but I would definitely do it again."
Tanya: Castle!!! humm ... don't remember having done that yet ...
okay .. my HB reminds me that we had the similar experience - during the tour in the tower of zug ...
城堡ㄟ 沒印象有試過 ...住宿在城堡當然有過 不過像他們說的在參觀城堡時... 好吧 我家先生提醒我我們有過類似經驗 -在參觀瑞士鐘樓的時候 (還很小心的檢查是否有任何監視器 哇哈 )
2. Rock the Boat
"I was taking the ferry from CT to NY and we had sex in the bathroom stall. I was leaning over, and he came in from behind. Another time, we met on our lunch break in a busy parking garage for some back seat fun!"
Tanya: sex on the boat !!! ... and the description above is really hot .. ha ha 在渡輪上的廁所裡的性愛 ..那這跟在餐廳或是飛機上的廁所是一樣的吧 不過描述的滿"寫實"的 哈
1. The Grander Canyon
"My husband and I had gone to visit his parents before we got married and since we were staying with them we craved alone time. We took the part of the day to explore the Canyon on our own and ended up in a very exciting outdoor adventure.
Tanya: 終於第一名來了 大峽谷性愛 只是比較好奇他為什麼是第一名... 難度在哪裡啊
canyon ?? why sex in the canyon is top 1 ? how difficult is this .. to get there ? ha ha ..
anyway .. it's on the list too