Great weather on the third day of lunar year
在家"呆"了兩天後 終於出門曬太陽了
桃園的 Go Cart 卡丁車
全家出動 四條狗 外加新來的印傭
of course , Hwa loo-loo
first timer needs to take a short safty lesson before driving GO Cart ..
the you put on the headguard and the helmet ...
我爸也下場去開 還排第一號 哈
他們在下面賽車 我們在樓上拍照 晒太陽
還有 顧狗 ...
while the boys racing down there ... the girls were waiting and watching them upstairs ...and looking after the dogs .. ha
my mom and the maid ... and 4 dogs ...
after that we went to a fish market nearby for some seafood snacks and fresh seafood home to cook ... :)
之後去附近的漁港市場買點心吃 買海鮮回家煮晚餐 我家先生最愛逛魚市場 幾乎每次經過都要去看 一直拍照
my Hb really loves going to fish markets .... he would take many photos there and tries almost everything there ..
he even went to the traditional market one morning with my mom while I was working ... and some nosy neighbor followed my mom and asked her why there was a handsome guy walking with my mom ....
有天早上我去上課 他還主動跟我媽去附近菜市場買菜 幫我媽拿東西
還自己好奇的去每攤東看看西看看 我媽在那到處找他
還被樓下多事的三姑六婆的麵攤老闆娘一路跟著我媽他們走到菜市場 抓著我媽問說 為什麼有個帥哥跟著我媽 我媽跟他溝通嗎 ......
哈 我爸笑說 帶我家先生出門真是讓我媽很有面子 哈哈哈
my HB is a Lady killer ....
- Feb 15 Sun 2009 23:43
~ Go cart in Tao-Yuan 初三- 卡丁車體驗