
this is me ... many years ago  

這是我 很多年前 ...哈 大約是5年前有吧 

first visit or the second visit in Australia ...  can't remember ...  I don't even know where I was ... ha ha 

我人在哪  我只知道是在澳洲 不過是第一次還是第二次 (非常肯定不是第三次 因為第三次回來後就跟他分手啦 哈 )

以前做那麼多的旅行 現在想想 還滿浪費的 因為我就只有這一兩張照片留著  更是不記得旅行細節 

耶誕節過了  2008年也接近尾聲了 

looking back the year of 2008 ...  so many wonderful things happened , a lot of  great people I have encountered ... so many amazing places I have been to , 
a lot of irreplaceble memories ..

回顧2008  好多美好的事情發生 遇見好多很棒的人 拜訪過好多不同的地方  更有許多不可取代的回憶的 ...

當然也有些不太順利的事情 也留過不少眼淚  因妞妞的離開而破碎的心 到現在還依舊痛著 ... 

但是 也有兩位新成員的加入 花露露與Milu .. :)    

上帝從我們手上取走了一樣東西 也一定會再給我們另一樣東西  

常常提醒我自己   不要讓自己去執著, 去想, 去埋怨那些不再屬於你的人事物, 那些 無法改變的事實 ... 

強迫自己去將注意力放在身邊那些美好愉快正面的事物  也讓自己有機會去創造 給予快樂的機會  

of course , there were some low and heartbroken  moments too ...  my heart is still aching because of my Nyo Nyo ..  

but there are two new members in our family now .. Milu and Hwa Loo Loo ...   

God took something away from us and has given us more ... 

I often have to kick myself  not to be obsessed by those people, things that no longer belong to you or to complain about the facts that you can't change anymore ..

instead , I remind myself focusing on those good , positive people /things around me , I also allow myself to create  my own happiness and give chance to bring happiness to others . 

Greece collection   希臘系列

found a store where you can have your photos printed out as postcards or many other things ... 

so I picked out 10 photos first to give it a try ... 

發現一家很方便的印刷店 線上上傳照片 他隔天就可以拿到客製的明信片 月曆等等 

先挑了10張照片測試他的效果  真的很不錯ㄟ 10張明信片150元 

Italy collection  義大利系列 


my favorite ones are these two ... because the one on the left took me a long time to make the special effect  .... and the right one really looks like a official Milano postcard .. ha ha 

因為左邊那張 花了很久時間在那弄PI ..太久沒用PI 有點忘了怎麼用 哈 

右邊那張就絕得很像米蘭官方的旅遊明信片 哈哈 


顏色出來 我個人絕得很不錯喔 


    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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