
saw a movie on HBO , a movie about a college football team ... 

of course , there were a lot of footballers wearing the uniforms and those tight pants ... humm... it's kind of hot ...  


看著忽然發現 這些橄欖球服還滿性感的 哈 

then I remembered having seen a photo that I really like ...  

這個畫面 讓我想起有看過一張照片  我很喜歡的照片 

他在美國念高中時也是橄欖球校隊的四分衛 ......    
( 難怪"聽說"在那時很多同校女生主動追求  哈 )

my sexy quarterback HB .....        

the movie :  We are Marshall 

A true story, based on devastating events, set in Huntington, West Virginia, about a small town steeped in the rich tradition of college football. For decades, players, coaches, fans and families have come together to cheer on Marshall University's "Thundering Herd." For this team and this community, Marshall football is more than just a sport, it's a way of life. But on a fateful night in 1970, while traveling back to Huntington after a game in North Carolina, 75 members of Marshall's football team and coaching staff were killed in a plane crash. As those left behind struggled to cope with the devastating loss of their loved ones, the grieving families found hope and strength in the leadership of Jack Lengyel, a young coach who was determined to rebuild Marshall's football program and in the process helped to heal a community.

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    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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