
   ( this is the "Fomous" wind mills in Mykonos -at least for the tourists )  

from the hotel we walked all the way to Mykonos town ...   for both of us , we think that walking is the best way to get an overall impression of a new place  
從飯店一路走去米克諾斯市區 ...  有點距離 不過這是一個我們兩個都認為對米克諾斯有第一認識的最好方法 就是用走的  (米克諾斯"著名"的風車-至少是對觀光客來說)

it was a nice walk ...except for the wind ... it was awfully windy in Mykonos ..   but good for the surfers , I supposed 

一路海景很美  雖然風超大 ....簡直像是刮颱風 ....    不過對衝浪者來說是好消息吧

路邊偶而看到這個 裡面還放了某人的照片  我們猜可能是有人在這出車禍意外死亡 家人蓋在已用來紀念的吧 

有好幾個月沒下雨的米克諾斯 除了仙人掌 還有少數不知名的植物是綠的外  其他看去都是咖啡色   那裏的羊跟牛是我看過最瘦的 

有點難過看到他們在一片"荒原"中啃食著"乾巴巴的草"  一付很無奈的樣子  

走經過另一家飯店  全部都是白的   it's all white ...      

with a seaview swimming pool ...      還有個面對著海景的泳池  

it's all BLUE and WHITE   全是藍與白   

very comforting colors ...  calm   ...   happy  

here finally we arrived Mykonos town ...  終於到達市區 

先在風車前面拍拍到此一遊照 ....  
(I did look " bigger" in this overall in the photos ... what can I say .. put on 2 kilograms while I was in Switzerland .. now I am back to 45kg in a week  .. :) 
這張照片穿著吊帶褲看起來有點胖 -沒辦法在瑞士胖了兩公斤  幸好回來一周後體重馬上降回45公斤 )

of course , had some " tourist photos " taken first in front of these wind mills .... 

well...  very touristy place , as you can see ..  ha   

穿梭在小小窄窄的巷子中  好像在尋寶一樣  
walking in those narrow winding alleys  was like a treasure hunting game  for me...  always saw someting surprising ,interesting ..    

see .. how close the stores/cafes / bars /restaurants to the water ...  you would definitely get wet if you  aren't careful  

這排靠海的餐廳 bar ....真的是很"靠海"  近到坐在那用餐會被浪打溼 .............  

HB chose a " SAFE ZONE " where is still close to (next to ) the water ,but the waves wouldn't get us ..  :)   

他選擇一個"安全區" 依樣靠海  只是這個位置浪不會打上來    這在喝咖啡

the great view does cost you ....  especially in Mykonos ...   the same Greek coffee costs only less than 2 Euros in the next alley ... but  here it was 4 or 5 euros 

好風景絕對是要花錢的  同樣的希臘咖啡 在隔壁巷子 只要不到兩歐元  但是在這樣的靠海位置 則要付出4或是5歐元的代價 

待續  to be continued

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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