driving to Verduno , piemonte - the famous winery area in Italy
It was such a beautiul drive there ... 下午開車出發前往義大利酒鄉Piemonte
當晚住宿在多座古城堡之ㄧ的 Castello Verduno (其實這是在16世紀時 皇族鄉下的狩獵行館 因此外觀不像傳統城堡般的豪華)
後來由Burlotto 家族在100年前買下 經營飯店餐廳 當然也繼續生產 葡萄酒王Barolo
因為早在16世紀 Castello Verduno 就被欽點授權為生產Barrolo 的釀酒廠
城堡內的房間 幾乎都維持當初的原貌 除了衛浴設備有更新
Ca de Re
Via Umberto 1, Verduno
(0039 0172 470284)
The imposing 16th-century Castello of Verduno is the farthest of the 11 communes authorised to produce Barolo. Owned by the Burlotto family for 100 years, it is now a luxury hotel and gourmet restaurant, while down in the village, Ca de Re is a basic but comfortable agriturismo (€70 per night, castellodiverduno.com) with its own osteria. When Prince Charles stayed here, he chose the agriturismo, rather than one of the regal bedrooms in the castle. The Burlottos are a family of formidable women, and at any time you'll bump into one of the four generations that are running the place. As well as Barolo and Barbaresco, the family vineyards produce Dolcetto, Nebbiolo, Barbera and the little-known Verduno; tastings take place in the ancient cellar beneath the castello.
(the above information comes from http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2008/jul/20/foodanddrink.italy1 )
it's chosen one of the best places to eat in Piemonte .. :)
Note : what is " Agriturismo " ??
- a combination of the words for "agriculture" and "tourism" in Italian - is a style of vacationing in farm house resorts codified into Italian law in 1985. An agriturismo vacation is suitable for the whole family.
An Italian agriturismo will usually serve foods to guests prepared from raw materials produced on the farm or at least locally.
照片上後方高的那棟是城堡 但是他們最好的房間不在城堡內 而是城堡後方的房間- 藍色套房 Blue room
第一, 因為他是唯一有"真正"雙人床的房間 (歐洲常常是用兩張單人床墊併一張) 房間也比較大 比較新一點
過去曾是城堡看管人的房間 後來由一個神父居住 他在將房間內天花板上畫上美麗細緻的圖案 整體以藍色為主 所以他們才叫做blue room
摩登的衛浴 看吧 也是有個"洗屁屁"的馬桶
放下行李 我們先到花園坐著欣賞日落美景 點了兩杯莊內自釀的白酒
we had already booked a table for that evening ...
the starter .... the name I can't remember ... need my HB to help me to answer this ... :)
Truffle 松露燉飯 超級美味的松露 Truffle .... humm one of my favorite ..
my HB's favorite dish - Rivioli ...with ???
their special beef - if I remember it correctly ... because it is really really awesome ...
這應該是他們有名的菜 超級好吃的牛肉 好吃到都無法說話 一直吃
當然也開了一瓶Barolo ..................
那晚又喝多了............ 哈哈
and we had too much to drink that night again ... ha ha
but Real Castello Verduno is totally worth visiting .... or even visiting again ..