the following photos were taken with my Amazing Nokia N95

我想睡覺 一直在那拍阿拍的 ........ 煩ㄟ

我最愛將鼻子塞在姐姐的腋下了 哈哈哈

ㄟ...... 既然是隨手拍 當然目標就是常在身邊的"狗" - 花露露 哇哈哈哈
睡覺中的花露露 ~

愛不愛 花露露
看照片就知道 ......
愛一個人 不果他的可愛不可愛在你的眼中都是最美的 怎麼看 怎麼可愛
透過相機 按下快門 呈現出心中 眼中 最美的那一刻
用"心"去拍 不管用啥相機 都一樣能拍出令自己感動的照片
it's obvious to see , to feel " LOVE " through a photo ...
when you truly love someone , you love them for who they are ...for everything that makes them today ...
through the viewfinder , you see what you see - the person you love the most , the most perfect moment , the most beautiful angle ... you then click the shutter ...
Do I love my Hwa loo-loo ??? well.... I don't have to tell you more ... :) she is the cutest dog in the world !!!!

我想睡覺 一直在那拍阿拍的 ........ 煩ㄟ

我最愛將鼻子塞在姐姐的腋下了 哈哈哈

ㄟ...... 既然是隨手拍 當然目標就是常在身邊的"狗" - 花露露 哇哈哈哈
睡覺中的花露露 ~

愛不愛 花露露
看照片就知道 ......
愛一個人 不果他的可愛不可愛在你的眼中都是最美的 怎麼看 怎麼可愛
透過相機 按下快門 呈現出心中 眼中 最美的那一刻
用"心"去拍 不管用啥相機 都一樣能拍出令自己感動的照片
it's obvious to see , to feel " LOVE " through a photo ...
when you truly love someone , you love them for who they are ...for everything that makes them today ...
through the viewfinder , you see what you see - the person you love the most , the most perfect moment , the most beautiful angle ... you then click the shutter ...
Do I love my Hwa loo-loo ??? well.... I don't have to tell you more ... :) she is the cutest dog in the world !!!!