they asked me which scenes in the movie -sex and the city that made me cry ...
the most touching moment in this movie for me is when Charlotte held Carrie in her arms , protecting her friend like a mother hen , even with tears in her eyes , she stared and shouted " NO " at Mr.Big , who had just broken Carrie's heart .... her face expression , that determination to protect her friend Carrie ... that really touched me ...
有人問 爲什麼看電影會哭 第一 我本來就是淚線發達 第二 我很容易入戲
慾望城市電影版 .... 就像回到過去每週定時收看這個熱門影集 或是一片一片看著DVD的日子 欲罷不能 ....
我對裡面的時尚 興趣沒那麼大 反而是女人間的對話 包括對性事....等等 都非常的真實呈現 四個人之間的友誼 , 他們之間的對話 對我來說都是在真實也不過了 ....
友誼 .... 原諒 ..... 是我在走出戲院後 反覆出現在腦海的兩件事
最感動的一幕 是當carrie 悲憤的衝向big , 用花打了big一頓後 , 他的好友之一 Charlotte , 將carrie抱在懷裡 哭著對還想接近他們的big大聲的警告說 " NO " 一副母雞願意不顧一切地保護小雞的模樣 這一幕 很令人感動 這樣單純的友誼 當下就是一個堅定的念頭 保護朋友不受傷害 甚至在之後還會氣憤的說 他常幻想有天遇到Big時將如何對他等等 .... 就是一個單純的 忠心到很可愛的朋友
原諒 .....
Miranda is at home with Steve, who looks very upset and scared. He tells her he slept with another woman once because he and Miranda weren't having sex. He apologizes again and again, saying that it didn't mean anything and that it just happened. Miranda is stunned and immediately moves out, separating from Steve
On Valentine's Day, Miranda and Carrie go to dinner together amidst all the couples. Carrie is depressed and tells Miranda that it was her fault that Big walked out. She had gotten too caught up with the wedding and let it take over everything. Miranda can't take it anymore and finally tells Carrie what she said to Big at the rehearsal dinner. Carrie is furious that Miranda didn't say anything for five months. Carrie says she has never kept a secret from Miranda - then she corrects herself and says she has one secret: That she thinks Miranda was completely wrong to leave Steve. Then she walks out. Over the next few days, Miranda keeps trying to call Carrie and apologize, sending letters, emails, and flowers (just as Steve has been doing to try to get Miranda to forgive him). She finally gets to talk to Carrie by waiting in a taxi in front of Carrie's building until she comes home.
Miranda says Carrie has to forgive her, and Carrie asks how Miranda can say that when she won't forgive Steve.
Miranda says that is different ... Carrie says forgivness is forgivness , no matter what the form is ...
要原諒一個出軌一次的丈夫 真的要有很大的智慧與勇氣 .... 片中的Miranda 的掙扎 很真實的呈現...... 片中 carrie說 理智與感情 是很不一樣的 或許對常用理性來決定事情的manda 來說 要他去感覺他真正的感覺 想法是什麼時 是非常難以想像的 .... 現實生活中 我們不也是常常被迫以理智來做出選擇 甚至包括婚姻等等的一切切 ...
有天忽然發現 自己已經不在知道 自己真的要的 想的 是什麼了
just like Carrie asks Miranda " what does your feeling tell you to do? " Miranda says " I don't know how I am feeling "
this is not a strange feeling for me or for many many people ...... we are often forced to make decisons , choices according to our senses and even our prides ... it seems like we have lost the ability to feel ... to do things , to make decisions ,just because we simply " feel like " it ...
not sure and don't know what we really want ...or how we really feel anymore .....