在看過 雜誌中George Clonney的專訪後
對其中一段對話 非常的好奇
是有關於 在youtube 上的一段影片 .... 這段影片讓George以及很多人驚叫 .....
雖說 他們不建議我們去看這段影片 但是 實在是忍不住
於是 搜尋了一下 影片名稱是 "two girls one cup " 兩女一杯
after reading an interview with George in the mag , I was very curious about the video on youtube that they were talking about , the video that grossed George and many other people out .....
the name of the video is " two girls one cup ", so I searched for it on youtube ....
it took me a while to find the original one , as there are so many other related videos on youtube ... most of them are about the reactions from people watching " 2 girls 1 cup "
okay .... it was a bit gross .... though it was okay for me , it's hard for me to believe what I saw is true .... it seemed pretty impossible ...
if you want to watch it ... well , go ahead , you will find it on youtube :)
發現 大多數的影片都是關於很多人在看這段影片時的反應 驚訝 噁心 .....
花了我一段時間 才找到 原始影片
看了之後 ..................... 嗯 是滿噁心的
不過 到沒有什麼強烈反應 可能是下意識絕得影片不可能是真的 ..... 無法想像有人可以做得到
說到這 ............ 很好奇吧
不過 這段影片還是不適合公佈在這上面
所以 大家自己去youtube 上去找啦
- Jun 12 Thu 2008 23:25
~ " 2 girls 1 cup ", a video on youtube