HB said , " Happy Birthday ! "
I said , " Thank you but it's not my birthday yet "
HB smiled and said , " it's your birthday WEEK "
Yes , I do feel that it has been like my birthday each day for the past week ........
I think my HB is absolutely right ... it's my birthday week !!
what did I get for my birthday this year ?? a LOT .....
from my parents
follow the Sung Family tradtion , they gave me a red envelope with NT 3600 in it :)
from my brother , sister and brother in law , together they gave me something I had wanted for a long while ...
a Espresso coffee Pot and 2 packs of coffee beans as well ......
I love it ...
from Rabe and Taylor
1. a Mini traveling size of " Hwa Loo-Loo " 迷你旅行版花露露
花露露 : "那個是啥麼鬼東西 "
迷你花露露 : " 我是小小花露露 "
this is just TOO funny .... too weird .... and so so so cute ........ha ha ......
it turned out that they bought this " Mini Hwa loo-loo " the same day that I bought " Hwa Loo-Loo " a bag too .....
整件事情很奇妙的詭異 他們當天去美麗華逛街 - 我並沒有去 , 晚上一起去士林夜市 , 我幫花露露買了一個類似的背袋 :)
2 . a " Dachshund " toothbrush holder - 臘腸狗造型的牙刷架 :)
3 . a bottle of Californian Red wine ..... really nice one 一瓶很好的加州紅酒
4. a box of truffle chocolate ..... 一盒松露巧克力
5. some photos of me they took while we were on the cruise ...
from my HB
1. a SB 600 flashlight - something I had always wanted ....
2. a book
3. a mango candy bar from Cebu 宿霧芒果糖
4 . Crystal diamond necklace and earrings .... 水晶鑽項鍊耳環組
5. my final surprise birthday present is ......................... a trip to MOROCCO !!! 摩洛哥之旅 !!
MOROCCO !!!!! 摩洛哥 !!!!
this is one of my must-go destinations ................ wow !!!
6. an express visit in Singapore - 新加坡18小時之旅
7 . finally ..... my most special present is - MY HB !!!
year 2008 has been a truly rewarding year for me so far .....................
- Apr 27 Sun 2008 22:36
~ It's my BIRTHDAY WEEK !!!