
                                                            The dancers

 Rabe and Taylor 's 90 -day  world traveling  dairy 

即將在四月九號 來台灣玩兩週的美國朋友 Rabe 還有她的女兒 Taylor ...   選擇台灣作為他們的環遊世界90天的最後一站     

               my American friends Rabe and her daughter Taylor are coming to Taiwan on Apr 9th for two weeks ...    they chose TAIWAN as their last stop of their 90 day world travel  -   I am more than happy to have them here ...    

  have been reading thier interesting diary since they began their journey ....     want to share it  with you or anyone who is planning to go on a world tour like them ... 

 從他們啟程開始  我就開始閱讀他們的旅記   真的很有趣     一個大無懼  神經很大條的媽媽   一個快要抓狂的女兒         不管如何  很佩服他們的勇氣  旅行世界90天 


                                                      現在 換Tanya我  要傷腦筋  要帶他們去哪裡玩呢  ...........?? 

Now Tanya is worried that I don't know how to arrange their two week's stay in Taiwan , 

   3- 4days taking the Star Cruise  ( either to Hwa Lien , or Okinawa ) 

  a couple of days in Nan Tou , Tai Chung ... 

  or Kenting ... 

  or even go to Singapore to meet my HB as he will be there for the FOOD SHOW ................but I will probably have to fly back to Taiwan with them on the 27th , as they are leaving on the 27th from  TAIWAN ...   wonder if they could have their plane tickets changed  ...    

ideas ..ideas .... I need some more ideas ....

                  麗星郵輪 三到四天 .............    

                  台中 南投 

                  旅行台灣兩週   還真是一種挑戰    

還是  最後一周去新加坡  剛好跟要參加食品展的HB碰面呢   不過他們的機票是要從台灣離開  我還得陪他們在27號做飛機回台灣    這樣有點麻煩 ..............  恩   

                                                              我也想要環遊世界啦        我要錢!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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