my parents took me to this place to see a Chinese medicine doctor .....
爸媽帶我看中醫 一把脈 就說 我 頭昏昏脹脹 肚子也脹脹的 心悸 晚上睡不好 筋骨很緊之類 加上我最近皮膚過敏的利害
我媽說 我全身都壞了 ........................
the doctor felt my pause and said a number of problems I am having ....which are true ..................
so he prescribed those chinese herbs for me to cook them a home and drink it twice a day ....
開了 一堆藥給我 一天要煎兩次 喝一周 藥很苦 ......................
但是 重點是 服藥期間 很多東西不能吃
the most importantly , there are tons of things that I am not allowed to eat during the medication ...... including alcohol and eggs ...
冰 西瓜 香蕉 鳳梨 龍眼 荔枝 芒果 橘子 白羅蔔 空心菜 南瓜 竹筍 糯米 辣椒 押肉 酸菜 芹菜 地瓜葉 茄子 皎白筍 大白菜
酒 牛奶 蛋 香菇 花生 芋頭 海產 啤酒 過噪食品 ...............
不能喝酒ㄟ ...............還有蛋 ....................... 這是 一種 懲罰
以上照片 N95 拍攝
- Nov 13 Tue 2007 00:35
~ Chinese medicine