三合一和風義大利麵 Japanese style spaghetti
went to " La PASTA " again with friends .... luckily , we didn't wait for too long this time either
又去 La Pasta 吃飯 幸運的是 沒訂位 還沒有等太久 就吃到了 耶
I took all the photos with my cell phone - N95 全部是用手機 N95拍 沒修圖
the soup
奶油海鮮蘇皮湯 料很多 真的很棒 不過 味道稍嫌太淡了點
oh yes , my order - chicken pasta in pumpkin cheese creamy sauce 南瓜起士奶油貝殼麵 我最愛吃奶油白醬了
really love cream sauce ... cream ... cheese ... my favorite
spicy chicken meat sauce spaghetti 辣味雞肉麵
還有 沙拉 跟飲料 平均一盤麵是180-280 可以外加100變套餐 上菜速度 很快 可能沙拉還沒吃完 湯已經來 麵包也來 義大利麵還沒送上 飲料也來 因為這家餐廳 真的 生意很好 不過 服務生態度是滿親切 不介意 用餐環境氣氛的 可以來這吃吃 算是價錢合理 用料實在的平價義大利麵
the average cost for an order of spaghetti in La Pasta is from NT 180 ~ 280 , with addtional charge of NT 100 , you can have a house salad , soup and a drink
because of their reasonable prices and quality food , this restaurant is really popular ... always people lining up outside ...
therfore , they serve very FAST ... too fast , before you finish your salad , the soup is served , before you finish your main , the drink is alreay on the table ... but the staff is friendly .. they won't rush you to leave ....
after dinner , we went to see a movie - Resident Evil 3 之後 去看 電影 惡靈古堡3 Alice is really HOt is that movie ... it's a typical sunday movie , entertaining ..easy to watch ... she really kicks ass ...
- Sep 25 Tue 2007 21:51
~悠哉星期天 - La Pasta