
  This is WHY ...................     

ha ha ....   sometimes ... you get to see some HOT HOT guys ...    or  sexy women ..with really nice BUTT ...   humm...    



you can know what is the latest make-up information ........... 


and some new idea for  photo taking ....     我絕得 這個拍照姿勢不錯   下次找個MD來百這樣的姿勢   


 but   I also see a lot of new make-up I want to buy.....................   ahhh......................  


winter fashion..............................           it's a torture that I see something I like but can't afford .........................   


actually ... I find the fashion for this winter doesn't quite appeal to me .....   except for my favorite brand - BCBG MAXAZR ................   why why why ... they are so damn expensive here in Taiwan ...when  they are so much cheaper in the US ...   ( another reason why I would love to live in the US ....  )     


look at these ..................................   aahhhh......................................................................    I shouldn't have read them at all ................ 


according to all these magazines ...  a pair of leather gloves is a must ...            


but ....  I am pretty sure that ....  these kinds of boots are not for my taste ........................................................  only if I had really LONG LONG LONG legs ........


thinking to get a SHORT haircut .............................. 


  sometimes they have some really interesting articles to read ....................      especially for men ... you guys should read these women magazines more ... 


有些  很實用 的資訊 哈哈哈   some  is really " useful " -   ONE NIGHT STAND  ETIQUETTES  ....     


how to tell between a " one night stand " and  a " sex date "  .............                                

  I should stop buying these magazines ...........................................................    

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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