

cooling water , bright sun ....  thinking ....   should I jump in or not ??  Go for it  or not ??     

....   why hesitated ?    

 大致已經決定了 ........  這會是我下一個人生階段的開始   我 ... 很清楚知道我想要的    從沒這麼確定過我的決定     就算還是很不清楚一些細節 也知道會聽到一些反對聲浪 予關心的意見     但是我深深相信也知道    結果會是好的  

almost decided ...    I know what I want by heart ...      I have made my decision ,  have never been so sure ...    though there are some " unclarities " in details ... I am still confident  with " our " future  .

  不過我的個性一向如此  我越是想不清楚的事站在原地還是想不清楚   到不如開始行動   邊看邊作      

In the other hand , I have always been like this ...  if I can;t figure something out , then I might as well don't  figure it out ....     

I just start doing it and see what is lying ahead of me  ....    too much thinking only makes me panic ...    

世界上唯一能阻止自己去圓夢的人  只有自己   ...     

whatever you decide to do ,  do not find any more excuses not to do it ....   

because ,  no one can stop you from reaching your goal but yourself .  

 從小到大  生活一切順利  ............  就算是 去年讓我很挫折的分手    現在也能開心的認為  這是上天給我的禮物   它阻止一場可能會讓兩人痛苦的婚姻  
讓我有機會成長  看到更多      

I have been living a pretty good life ...      everything has been going smoothly ...    even the break-up last year , I can see it as a gift from GOD as it knew that we were just very different ,  and I have also grown so much and realised what I really want ...   

從小成績不是最好  但是也不是最壞      因為個性天生不愛跟人爭   就是自己開心就好   我不祈求我要最好的    但是至少一定是會我要的  
I am not competitive , in fact , I have always been very lenient  to meself ...    as long as it's fun for me , therefore , I was never a very good student nor a very bad one

有人說  我就是日子過的太閒 太好   才會沒事找事作      整天亂亂想  

someone  once said  that because I 've got nothing to do so that I often trouble myself with all these unimportant things ...        :) 

好奇  雞婆  愛熱鬧  所以我愛變    越穩定的生活 我越是絕得無聊      絕得人生  總是要來些刺激的    - 我好像真是太無聊了  想太多 ............    

I am curious ...  sometimes I could be a busybody ...  like sticking my nose into a lot of things ...    love being with people , love changing ...   
I like excitments ...  Ialso enjoy doing nothing .....   

最近 有時會心不在焉  生活依舊熱鬧 節目依然多多   但是我開始會希望與一個人分享體驗很多事   ....
however , recently I have been feeling a bit restless ... even when I am surronded by many people doing very fun things ...    I would so much want to share and experience all these with someone ... 

 一直以來 有著不安定的心     我就像漂浮在海上   等待........     (  最慘的是  連在等啥我都是不知道   ....  )
for a long time , I have been floating in the sea awaiting ....    the worst part is , I have no idea what I have been waiting for .....      :(

心中難免有時惶恐  覺得自己的日子就這樣浪費掉     是否該做些有意義的事  但是因為  我還是想不起來該做蛇麼  於是   還是 就這樣  ...
等待    ( 有時 絕得我自己的個性還真是莫名其妙  感謝上帝我的運氣不錯   否則 我應該不能這樣順順利利的活到32 .... ) 

等待下一個浪潮 把我沖向一個方向      一個可以靠岸的地方 ............... 

sometimes , I feel insecured ...  wondering if I would ever make something of my life .....    I have been floating and waiting ....   waiting for the next tide to wash me to the shore where I can rest .....  

and I have found one ............   我 找  到   了    

 though there are still some challenges head of us ..  we will find a way  eventually . 

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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