店員問:: 為什麼要這麼多 ????
the clerk was shocked to hear that I was asking for 15 packs of pregnancy test .... and I was embarrassed ....
接著 更白痴的是 居然店員們開始討論起來 包裝上 "月經來前4-7天"跟 "受孕後7天"的意思 是不是一樣 ......................................................
and the funny part is ... 3 clerks were having a discussion on whether what says on the packages are the same - " 7 days before your period " and " 7 days after conception " Though ... I tried to tell them ...they are different jusging by the words .... hello ?? but they didn't believe me ...until a guy - their store manager answered that question ..... How weird !! :)
討論結果是 店長(男的)說 "不一樣" - 我也說不一樣啊 但是 沒人理我 ................................
幸好我不是要求要買 50盒保險套 ...................... 否則 這就很難看了 ..................................................
Luckily .... I was asked to buy " 50 packs of condoms " otherwise ... it would be another funny story ....
- Jul 20 Fri 2007 22:47
~Test Test Test