Q. Do tattoos hurt?
A. Well... Kind of. First of all, if you have a low-pain threshold; DO NOT GET A TATTOO! Other than that bit of advice, the pain you experience with a tattoo depends on a number of factors:
- Location: Generally speaking, the 'fleshier' the area is, the less painful it will be. I personally use the ruler test. Take a ruler, and thwack yourself where ever you plan on getting your tattoo. If it makes you cry, pick another place. Places like elbows, faces, necks, the lower back, the inside of the bicep are all examples of rather painful places to get tattooed. Some relatively pain free locations are the thigh, the outside of the bicep, and the chest (for a guy at least... I'm not sure how it is for women).
- Coloring: Large blocks of solid color cause a bit more discomfort. Colors like white require multiple lines over one another, and can cause further irritation.
- Size: I think this is self-explanatory - the bigger your tattoo, the more it's going to hurt.
( 以下問題的回答 很有趣 this part is quite funny ,,, )
Q. What kind of tattoo should I get first?
A. This is largely dependant on your tastes. First and foremost, I have my own personal set of rules of what I will NOT get tattooed anywhere on my body.
- Cartoon characters. Sure they're cute. Sure you think they're great. Nothing says timeless like a Beavis tattoo with his lighter.
- Names. I think this should be self explanatory. My artist once told me that his favorite part about tattooing names was the fact he had a pretty well guaranteed cover-up job coming in the next year.
- Flaming anything. No skulls, no dice, no harleys, nothing that I want to explain to my kids when I have them.
- People. Due to the aging process of human skin, I'd certainly hate to have a drooping naked woman stuck on my arm for life, just because it looked cool when I was 21.
這............................ is this " Sexy " ????
這 一駝東西 到底是什麼
原來 還可以刺一排字上去 哈哈哈 "Life is what you make it " ... interesting !! But ... look at that " FUCK YOU " ... ha ha ha
after having seen all these pictures .... I decided that I am gonna give up the idea of getting a tatoo myself .....
決定 還是先別弄好了 有點恐怖 而且 真的很痛的樣子
however , Thanks Sylvia for showing me this website / TV Program - Miami Ink
Gosh ... this Tattoo artist is cute .... Ami James , I wouldn't mind the pain if he were my tattoo artist ...
感謝 希維亞 介紹這個網站 電視節目 - 邁阿密刺青客 Miami Ink
看到 這個 這麼可愛的 刺青師 我 想 我會甘願忍痛 如果他要幫我刺的話 哈哈哈