I just love the smell of the sea .... 海的味道 很愛
the special kind of color of the sea .... 海水的顏色 我也愛
海風吹在臉上的感覺 ....... 很舒服
但是 我還是 不太會游泳 ............... 一個 愛海 不會游泳 但是 居然想學潛水 (scuba diving )的 神經病 - Tanya
though I can't really swim .. but I love oceans ... and going to take a scuba diving course this summer .....
.......................... but I am afraid of big fish in the sea ...... ......
還有很多人愛的 泳裝 辣 妹 .........................
.............................................. 想 住在海邊 ......................................................................
listen to the waves and fall asleep ...... 想 聽 海浪聲 入睡