
Can I be more stupid than this ....???  God .....   I have no sense of direction at all.....    

this morning , I was supposed to meet with a friend of mine " M "  for a swimming lesson in Wan Hwa district in Taipei ...   at   6 :00  

I got up at 5 and left my house at 5:30 in the morning ...driving .      However , I got completely lost ... I found myself heading to HsinJuan ...and other places but not where I was supposed to go .....   at 6:00 ... I was still in my car and realised to my horror  that I had come back to San Chong .... ha ha ha ...   called my friend and he tried to give me directions ..... I still had no clues at all....    then I found myself somewhere heading to BanChiao ....     and it was already 6:30 by then .  

So "M' decided to come to me and lead me to the swimming pool ....   ( that was a good call , Ha ha ha )   

by the time we got to the pool , it was too late for us to swim , so he got into the car and directed me how to get to my house from the pool and more importantly how to get to the pool again from my house .....   as we are going to have to meet everyday from next Monday ... for at least two weeks ...    

then we practiced parking ....   :)  had breakfast then I came home .    What a morning !!! 

我真的可以在更白痴一點    一點方向感都沒有    

今天早上原定六點跟朋友約在青年公園游泳池      好 所以我五點起床  五點半在車上出發   網忠孝橋方向開  但是到最後我完全迷路 我發現自己居然往新莊還是中和之類的 
搞不清楚  在那完全亂走的狀況下    六點時  我發現 我居然 有回到三重 哈哈哈哈    打電話給M 跟他說我迷路  他馬上開始一歩一歩的指示我  

好不容易 到了 中華路   我居然會開到中華路不見   發現自己網板橋方向    於是M先生 坐了 一個聰明決定  他叫我不要動  他來找我  哈哈哈

接著他在帶我到青年公園   之後 他上車教我如何從青年公園回到家 因為我根本不會   接著在從三重如何開到青年公園   他帶我直接開一次  原本他還不信任我的記憶力  說要在開一次   我說 我真的記得     (希望下星期一還記得 哈哈哈 )   所以就乾脆練習停車  倒車入庫   ......   好像會了    ( 當在後方沒有車的狀況下 ) 哈哈哈哈 

吃完早餐 舊開車回家   




今天到底學了 什麼    今天學了很多 

知道如何去青年公園了  雖然就只記得那一條路線   

知道 青年公園 長什麼樣子 

知道  中華路是歪的 

知道  如何倒車入庫  

今天 收穫不少 哈哈


    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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