今天 計程車剛好走著一條很熟悉的路線回家
望著窗外 忽然絕得 台北街景 有點陌生
was passing through a very familar neighborhood , have been taking the same route home in a taxi for years ..
有時 其實是一直 , 沒有一個 歸屬感 have always felt that I don't belong to this city , this country ....
日子 一天一天過 大家的口頭禪 似乎 都脫不了 可能 應該 也許 很想 但是 .......
people seem to use the words like .... perhaps , maybe ...possible .. would like to ...but .....
time flies .... we are getting older but have also become uncertain about our future ....
人生 就是 如此 在一切的不確定中 會出現個種驚喜 一樣的景 看你是要 正著看 反著看 或是 躺著看 也或是 隔著窗戶 看倒影
It's life .... among all the uncertainties ... there are always some surprises ....
we can choose to look at the same view from many different angles , with many different ways ...
or like me ... admiring the beauty of this city through a window , the reflection ........ :)