
 enough lanterns ....  they are not good anyway .................   better luck next year  2008 .........  but ...someone has been pretty lucky this year .... 

coz ...he has won the lottery .......   NT400   ha ha        ( I have not won anything yet )  



    First day , we  ( I ) drove to LuKang ,  without knowing where to go , we decided to visit the one and only - TienHou Temple  天后宮


 Usually , I would not dare to walk into a temple and start shooting ....     however , coming with a friend is different .....    you can take as many photos as you want to without worrying what others may think of you ...  


         it was really hot that day ....    we had lunch and walked around the narrow streets near the temple ...   it took us quite a while as we stopped quite often for photo taking .....  

光明燈 真的能帶來光明嗎     to a bright bright future 


 神的保鑣們    Bodyguards 


剛好看到一票跟我們一樣的攝友  拿著像機猛拍    就也跟著拍起來  


 Great weather 



    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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